
Pack News

Colony V2.3: A Modpack That Takes You to New Worlds with the Solar System Creator

Hi there, Colony fans

How's the space life going?
Anyway the point of todays announcement is to discusses what we have been working on in the background for you all so without me dragging on for much longer then needed, let's begin.
starting off with a new feature coming to v2.3.

Shape Your Own Solar System

That's right we are handing you the ability to create your own planets and moons using a mod called StarMaker. It's super simple to get started all you need to do is edit files located in config/StarMaker (see our Discord starmaker-guide channel ) and the best part it should support all modded blocks so you can really be creative with your planets & moons.

Brand New Art and Main Menu Coming Coon

Once again our friends over at BisectHosting have done it again with another awesome design art to go along with the update.

Preview Menu design below

and of course some quality of life improvements as well.

What's Next after This Update ?
Currently we are experimenting with a build that is not on 1.12.2 however this is very early so we haven't got much to say about this just yet. When we do we will post news here so.

When Is The Update Coming Out?
It's planned to release sometime after Dead Light Z get's released.

- TeamAMPZ

2 years ago


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